How to Customize a Squarespace Template

Have you heard the news?

The Heart + Honey Template Shop is officially open!

Let’s face it, there’s a lot going on in the world today, and I understand that not every business owner can set aside a chunk of their budget right now for a custom website (though, I do still offer those too and you can check out my custom web design service here).  

Knowing this, and knowing how important it is for us small businesses to have our own website to prove our authenticity to potential clients and customers (because social media alone isn’t going to cut it anymore) I knew there needed to be a more budget friendly alternative that I could add to my own web design services.  That’s where the templates come in.

These website templates were created in Squarespace and are perfect for any kind of business. Each one is completely customizable.  You heard that right.  You can make every single element of this template your own.

Let’s take a look at what I mean when I say “completely customizable” and explore the ways you can make your own website using one of these templates.


Every template was created with a specific color palette and fonts, but you don’t have to keep it this way.  The idea is for you to use the Site Style settings to add your own color palette and fonts to match your brand.  That goes for your logo too!  You’ll replace the demo logo with your own and voila!  It’s already starting to look more like your business with just these first few steps. 

Don’t have your fonts picked out? Check out my blog for ideas and great Canva and Squarespace font pairings!

There are custom elements created for your template in Canva.  If you aren’t familiar with Canva, it’s a free design tool that you can use to create all types of graphics and resources.  There is a pro version as well for a small monthly fee.  However, I try to make sure each template only uses the free elements available on the platform so you don’t need to pay to customize them.  

You will receive links to these graphic templates which you can add to your Canva account and then easily customize each one to match your brand styles before swapping out the demo graphic on your website.

When the template is installed into your Squarespace account, it will have the demo images that I’ve sourced from Unsplash.  All you have to do is swap them out for your own photos. 

If you don’t have any yet, don’t feel like you have to grab your phone and take some.  I know cameras on phones have come a long way, but you want the best quality photos for your website.  Remember, your website is representing your business.  So, in the meantime, you can do like I did and search the Unsplash library straight from Squarespace and add in your own commercial use, royalty free stock photos until you have your own.  

Adding the content is just as simple. The text boxes are already in place, so if you have your content already written for your website, all you have to do is copy and paste your own copy in place of the demo content.  The text boxes will resize to fit the content.  Or, if you need to, you can always remove or add additional text boxes with the click of a button. 

If you don’t have your content already prepared you can use the free Website Template Content Workbook that I have provided for you in your course toolkit to start planning your content.  And, if you don’t feel comfortable writing your own, you can always look into hiring a copywriter to help you with this part of the process.  


The template is only the beginning!

Sounds pretty great, huh?  A website of your own, that you have the creative control to customize, but without the price tag of a complete custom website.  Well, it gets even better! Each template comes with even more goodies to help you along from start to launch.

With the purchase of your template you will also receive access to a complete video library explaining the step by step customization process, starting with preparing your content and taking you all the way through to how to launch your site. 

Planning out website content can be difficult if you don’t know where to start.  Every template purchase comes with a free copy of my comprehensive Website Template Content Workbook.  This is a great resource to help you plan out the content for your website before you begin. 

Sometimes it’s just nice to know there is a friendly hand right around the corner if you need it, even if you don’t.  That’s exactly what you get with your template.  If you get stuck or if you have a question about something you don’t see included in the course, just shoot me a message on the Template Support page and I’ll gladly answer any questions.

Did you fall in love with one of the templates, but you don’t have time to customize it on your own?  Well, there’s an option for you too!  With the Love + Launch Template Customization, you can pick your template, provide me with all of the photos, content and branding information and book a week on my calendar which I will install it all for you.

And don’t worry, you will still get access to the template course.  So if you ever need some help making changes to your website in the future, you can always reference the course for some guidance.  

As if that all isn’t enough, there are some more bonuses for you!  Every template also comes with a couple bonuses for your Instagram!

Links Page - Save your money on a third party link page for your Instagram bio and create your own!  I’ve designed one for you that will match your brand after you customize your site style settings.  Then just, customize the buttons, swap out your photo and paste your link in your Instagram bio!

Highlight Covers - Use the Canva template link to access and customize your free six Instagram highlight covers that were made to match your website.  

There you have it, a peek into the Heart + Honey Template Shop.  Head on over and check out the templates and preview the live demos.  Keep an eye out for new templates to be added soon!

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Choosing the Perfect Fonts for Your Website - 20 Best Font Pairings for Squarespace + Canva